It's fairly difficult to get average orchid growers to our orchid judging sessions. It's not clear that this is necessarily a new thing. I remember somewhat sparse attendance, even as a child in Hawaii (a long time ago). However, given that orchids have gone mainstream ala Home Depot and the local grocery store, shouldn't we be able to take advantage of the growing number of people growing orchids to get a few more to our judging sessions? Here are a few questions for the crowd to mull over and discuss. I tried to stay away from conclusions to allow equal discussion from all sides.
1. Are orchid judging sessions too elitist? Do we need to do things to be more accessible to guests? I've seen far too many people bring in their prized plants only to be told that they're not awardable for some reason they never considered, only to never return.
2. Alternately, are orchid judging sessions just plain boring for the average person? Why do people go to society meetings? Is it the raffle? Is it the fun speakers? Do we need speakers in parallel with the judging to boost attendance? Free plants? Maybe an open Q&A? what's that bug? Why is my plant not doing well?
3. I have seen awesome plants on display at the local orchid society but they seldom seem to make it to orchid judging. Should we co-locate with society meetings to encourage participation? Should we judge the plant table at society meetings (perhaps ribbons all around and regular judging for actually entered plants)?
4. Shows are a lot of work to put on. Even little shows. I have heard occasional points of view, typically at little shows, that there are no displays that meet that judges "quality standards" for the show award. Are show awards as strict as quality awards or should they be used more liberally to encourage the hobby and to reward societies for putting on shows?
5. New quality awards and (unregistered) alternatives: should we have other awards available to increase interest and participation. Some possibilities include foliage awards, fragrance awards, "cuteness" or "impact", most improved (before photo and after plant), ribbons... People like to win things and might attend more often if they did. Is there a way to help them feel accomplishment rather than leaving empty handed and crestfallen without lowering judging standards for traditional quality awards? Would offering a foliage award increase sales of variegated and other novel foliage types? Would a fragrance award increase sales of fragrant orchids?
6. Is larger, flater, clearer and brighter necessarily the only way? For things with necessarily twisty, curvy, wonderfully obtuse flowers, should we really be trying to breed them into urbane flatness?