Monday, February 23, 2009

New Judges Forum

© 2009 Greg Allikas -
Welcome to the AOS Judging Blog. This will serve as a forum to post judging news, taxonomic updates, other nomenclature issues and a general exchange of ideas. Anonymous posts are not allowed, but anyone with a verified Google or other accepted account will be able to comment or create posts. Play nice.
pictured above:
Cattleya lueddemanniana var. coerulea
'Graf's Vero Blue'AM/AOS, 85pts
Exhib: Plantio La Orquidea
Boca Raton OS Show; 2-14-09
NSW=18.0; NSV=17.5; DSW=2.9, DSL=10.2; PW=7.1, PL=10.3; LSW=2.6, LSL=8.5; LW=4.6, LL=4.0


  1. Peter Lin got an FCC on his Soph cocinea Monday 2/23/09 in LA. See:

  2. Whoa!!! Awesome flower. betthere will be a run for the pollen!

  3. This is the first time I've ever tried this. I need to figure out how to put a picture in like you do, WebEditor.

    In the meantime I invite everyone to look at the awards nominated at the Pacific Central webpage and the California Sierra Nevada

  4. Great websites and fantastic photography. It would be very helpful if we had links to other center websites where we could see what is being awarded. I notice that the judging center list on the AOS website does not have links to the center websites. Perhaps the judging committee could get that information up on the AOS website.

  5. Thanks for participating!
    The list of Judging Centers on the AOS website are indeed linked if the center has a website. The link color is the headline color, black. Going down thelist withyour cursor will indicate which centers have submitted website url's.

  6. Whoops - I was just looking at the list and found that out. I should have known that you would have taken care of that already. And I notice that the text above the list tells people they are linked.
